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Cooperation to Combat Cyber-bullying and Hate Speech in (Pre-)Primary Schools 

This Erasmus+ project is focusing on the challenges of the digital world – cyberbullying and hate speech online – and proposes a different approach of work – listening to the opinion of children and promoting co-education where schools, as well as parents, are involved in solving these issues.




Children explaining cyberbullying, hate speech to adults from another point of view.


How It Works

Full Documentary

Here you can watch the Documentary with each country's "raw" interviews.


Creation of a cartoon on the subject to raise awareness of the phenomenon thanks to children's creativity and ideas.

Children's voice

Anchor 1

You don't have to put too much weight on the teasing or they will continue. But if you can't, then fight with your words. You have to ask these questions: why do you tease me? Does it make you happy? Tell me what bothers you about me.

He will not know what to answer.

Eugenio, 9 years old


Moments from our activities

Interactive activity notebook (App)

16 games and activities proposals to be carried out in families and at school to stimulate co-education on the issues around the topics of cyberbullying and hate speech.

Anchor 2


A handbook for teachers who wish to set up a co-educational relationship with their families of the children in the class: it will contain methodological notes, work ideas, also concrete and sustainable activities, as well as materials to be downloaded to facilitate meaningful educational experiences.

Available in November 2022

Anchor 3
Get in Touch

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The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Erasmus+ project No. 2020-1-LT01-KA201-077905

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