In this section you may find some updates on our project activities.
In this section you may find some updates on our project activities.
Final project Newsletter - successful project end!
Newsletter No. 4 - training in Romania
The latest newsletter presents the training of partners which was organised in Suceava, Romania on 25-27 October, 2022 by our great partners - Bucovina Institute. It's wonderful that teachers from Suceava city would also attend our workshops and learn more about the documentary, cartoon and app and how to use the tools with children to speak about bullying, cyberbullying and hate.
App My Kind VOICE - what you need to know
The APP developed within the project provides a pathway through 16 digital activities that engage children in a journey on the issues of bullying and cyberbullying. The game activities stimulate reflection and critical thinking and at the same time activate prevention and protection mechanisms with respect to the problem. In fact, different themes are addressed, guiding children to explore different dimensions of relationships, words and related behaviours, trying to distinguish relationships of friendship, care and kindness from relationships of exclusion, violence and (cyber)bullying....
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Newsletter No. 3
This newsletter updates you on partners' work progress developing application which we named "My Kind Voice". More about it - in the project newsletter No. 3
Newsletter No. 2
You are invited to get acquainted with the progress of our project in our second newsletter.
Newsletter No. 1
What is the project about?